It's time to master your energy, reclaim your power, illuminate your strengths and live in alignment to your true self. 

  Human Design Readings 

Ready to explore and uncover the magic & wisdom of your unique Human Design? 

  • 1 x 75-min live Human Design Reading (via Zoom) and a video and audio of the recording. 

  • Type: Your aura, gifts, personality characteristics and potential challenges.

  • Strategy: The way you are designed to work with the most ease and success

  • Authority: Your unique way of making aligned decisions

  • Defined & Undefined Energy Centres: Your consistent energy that radiates out to the world and where you take energy from others and amplify it

  • Profile: Your role in life, and also your way of learning and teaching

  • Incarnation Cross Gates: How you express your purpose and what you need to learn to be grounded

  • Channels: Provide you with insight into what gifts you are here to share with the people and the world around you 

  • Astrological events: I'll share any your upcoming astrological events & their meaning in your life. 

Here's what's included: 

Human Design is the science of differentiation. How cool is that? A system that is essentially here to celebrate our individuality and uniqueness!

Understanding your Human Design can have a profound impact on your life and for many people it’s the validation they need to change their life in a meaningful & impactful way.

In a Decode MY Design reading I use my intuitive gifts and deep knowledge of Human Design in a practical & empowering way to share the wisdom of your chart. 

I’ll pinpoint your inherent gifts and strengths so you can be reminded of the magic that makes you uniquely you. 

I’ll also bring awareness to your patterns of conditioning so that you can break-through your limitations that might be holding you back. This is where the ‘aha’ moments come from. 

Ready for me to channel your chart to decode your unique Human Design?

experience one

Who is this reading for?

This is for you if you've just discovered Human Design or if have been experimenting with your strategy and authority for a while and want to explore the nuances of your chart in more detail. I’ll meet you exactly where you are at in your knowledge. 

My Human Design readings are intuitive and practical so you’ll walk away with both my intuitive insights and how to practically experiment with your design in your life. 

Let's uncover your Human Design magic in business 

  • 1 x 90-min 1:1 live call (via Zoom), a recording of the video and audio sent to you afterwards

  • Your Ideal Business Model: are you best suited to being a solo entrepreneur, business partnership, working in a small team or a larger company?

  • Your Genius: I'll share my insights about your superpowers in business so that you own what makes you unique and powerful

  • Your Brand: This is your life's work and what you are here to express and to shine a light on

  • Your Ideal Client: Discover who you are designed to work with so that you start to attract your soul aligned clients

  • Your Energetic Working Style: How you are designed to work most productively, efficiently and most naturally to you so that feel more energised. 

Here's what's included:

In the ILLUMINATE Business reading I'll look at your Human Design chart to see how your energy wants to be expressed in your career or business.  This involves deep analysis of your BodyGraph chart to uncover your unique energetic design and how that can be applied to your business

I’ll look at specific gates and planetary placements in your design to illuminate your gifts & strengths and to also pinpoint what’s been holding you back from reaching your next level.

We’ll look at areas of your business/career such as: your brand/life’s work, your ideal clients & how you help them, your ideal business model, your unique genius, your energetic working style (aka productivity), and more.

This is a deep dive into your unique business strengths & gifts through the lens of Human Design. 

experience  two

Afterward an Illuminate Business Reading you'll have  clarity & confidence in your gifts so that you can activate your strengths and make more empowered and profitable decisions. 

** You'll need a foundational understanding of Human Design before booking in for an Illuminate Business reading. 

Who's this reading for?

This is for you if you're fed up with cookie cutter business strategies that feel icky and haven't led to your desired results and you're ready to do things in a way that feels more aligned and more authentically YOU! 

Step through the door of this expansive business coaching that synthesises Human Design + Gene Keys to guide you to create a magnetic and fulfilling business and life by design.

experience three


Nicole helped me see the leader and creative soul I am here to embody. There was a feeling of knowing it but not knowing how to use it. As a result of meeting Nicole, I have been seen in a way that I have never been seen before, and I honestly feel like I have changed. She has helped me to develop a life script that will help me show up in my life as well as in my business. I can guarantee that your mind will be blown and your life will be changed in a positive way thanks to Nicole!" 

"Nicole is one of the top readers of Human Design out there, and I highly recommend her work!


 I loved that we were able to delve deeper into areas I was curious about as they came up and having the blueprint to refer back to has been so helpful. I even pulled it out again when I was doing my vision and goal setting work for the new year! It's really helped guide me as I've been coming back more to myself, focusing on joy and what lights me up. Thank you so much!" 

"The session with you was so amazing! The reading took my understanding of my own unique design to a whole new level!  

6/2 PURE generator

Nicole is absolutely incredible at what she does. She explains Human Design concepts that can sometimes seem overwhelming in a way that you can clearly take away a message that relates to your life. What I loved the most was when we talked through how I could potentially set up my business & offerings based on my HD! I felt so good after the call, very much like I can take these insights and apply them to areas of my life! 

"The experience with Nicole was incredibly insightful, detailed and very personalised! 


I really enjoyed the reading. It was a new perspective on things I had known but there was also some new information that created a confirmation for me that I am on the right path in life. It's really helped with understanding that what I feel and know is true and what I am doing can/will help empower people. And to have fun and take this leap of faith in life. I also enjoyed the PDF to read and reflect on afterwards."

"The Advanced Human Design Reading created a confirmation for me that I am on the right path in life.

kind words

Firstly, I'm so happy you are here. It's my soul's purpose to guide women (like you!) to reach their full potential - to feel expanded and supported to bring your mighty dreams of having a purpose-led business to life. 

I take a holistic approach to business that brings together strategy + systems with mindset, energetics + Human Design. I believe this is where the magic happens. 

I'm here to guide you to reach your full potential and to let you know that it IS possible to create an abundant life and business on your own terms. 

I believe in creating a business around your lifestyle so you can have the freedom to live your life on your own terms. 

Hi, I'm Nicole.